Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hello! Hello! Hello!

So I have been in the MTC for about two and a half days now and ever since I got dropped off at the curb it's been so busy! My head is spinning with all the things I need to know and do. BUT, I feel that the spirit is with me and I'm happy. That's really all that matters!

Let me tell you about my companions! Sister McColgan is from Wales, and she has the prettiest English accent and red hair. She is very prepared to be here. She has a great knowledge and testimony of the gospel. My other companion (I'm in a trio) is Sister Felise and she is from Australia. She is very easy to talk to and has a kind heart! She also has a very pretty accent. I feel a little left out sometimes, so occasionally I speak in an English or Australian accent too. :) BTW, My companions are serving in Temple Square as well.

I have a wonderful district! There are 5 elders and my companionship. The elders are great! They are very hard-working, friendly, focused, obedient and encouraging of one another. They are the definition of brothers in Christ. :) The have actually been WAY better at being on time to things than my companions and I, haha!

If there are two things I've learned while being here they are: 1. Don't feel discouraged about not knowing/understanding everything. It is after all my missionary training time and I forget that it's okay to not know everything about teaching the gospel. And, 2. HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR! The priesthood leaders (MTC presidency, branch presidency), zone leaders, and sister training leaders all know how to lighten things up by making a joke or two. My branch president has the brightest smile and a great sense of humor. I learn a lot from the great leaders here!

My first day here there was a welcoming meeting for all the new missionaries. It was wonderful! The spirit was so strong. We sang the song "We'll Bring the World His Truth", and the lyrics were changed so that instead of saying, " We will BE the Lord's missionaries...", it said, "We are NOW the Lord's missionaries to bring the world His truth." It was powerful. I'm getting chills just sitting here. A member of the MTC presidency said something that stuck out to me. He said that up until this point (becoming a missionary) we (new missionaries) have been preparing for a long time for to serve the Lord. And he said that we have ancestors and future children watching us, interested to see how well we will do. I thought that was really cool! 

Well, I guess that's it for this week! I love and miss everyone! Thank you for your support, love, and prayers! I really feel strengthened!

Sister Butler

Line of the week: 

So I want to share a funny story or line every week to help you smile!

My first night in the MTC, my companions and I were sleeping (not the joke), and I woke up when Sister Felise jumped out of bed and went to turn on the light. While Sister McColgan and I were blinded in bed, this is what went down.

Sister Felise: "What time is it?"

Me (I look at my clock): It's 3 a.m. Turn off the light and go back bed!

I didn't sound as harsh as that sentence does, but we all laugh about it now! :)


This is Tim, he was our first investigator. Sad to say, he wasn't very responsive to our message. 
With Sister McColgan and Sister Felise 
A view of the grounds on the Mission Training Center (MTC)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sister Butler - look for a Sister Sturzenegger coming to the Square in July - her cousin, Elder Ellis served with your brother in the Phillipines!! We have been reading your blog to get an idea of what Sis Sturz can expect as a TS missionary. God Bless! The Sturzenegger Family
