Thursday, September 10, 2015

Charity Never Faileth

Sept. 8, 2015


This week went by really fast. That doesn't mean it was an easy week, but it did fly by.

A lesson I have been learning this week is that it is so important to have charity for others. It gets hard sometimes approaching people you don't know. But I have been praying to have charity and I have noticed a big difference. When I feel love for the visitors around me it isn't as scary to approach them and bring up the gospel. I am by no means perfect at it, but having more charity is something I'm trying to develop.

Last week we had  Zone Training with all of the districts. It was really great--and not just because I got to sit down for a whole hour and a half, haha. The topic was developing Christ-like attributes. All missionaries represent Jesus Christ and we need to do our BEST to say and do what he would say and do. No pressure! It really hit home that we are bearers of the message of truth, and we need to act in a way that gives credit to it. People notice that we are different. Not just missionaries, but members of the church too. They wonder why we are so happy, or why we are so kind. The way we live our lives gives a powerful message.

Cool story! So after training we were supposed to do practice teaching to some volunteer investigators. So there were about 5 of them and out of the five, my companion and I taught the one guy who knows my aunt and uncle and their family (Craig and Michelle). He actually grew up in their ward and lived on their same street (still does). This was just one situation, but I really feel like every person I come in contact with is someone I was supposed to meet.

Random thought: it is so cool getting to know some of the Philippina (did I spell this right mom?) sisters in the mission. My companion is from the Philippines, and one of my Zone Leaders as well. Each sister is so genuine, honest, and loving. It's really cool because I feel like I've had a glimpse of what it was like for Brooks when he served in the Philippines to be around these wonderful people everyday. I just love them!

Well...I think this is it. I'm sorry I don't have any funny stories. Maybe I’ll have something for you next week!

Sister Butler


Grandma Jones: Thank you for the the Echinacea. When I was in the MTC there was an awful cold going around. Almost everyone got it except for me and my companion. We took two capsules a day and we were fine. So thank you so much, Grandma!

Bennett Family: I saw your niece/cousin on Temple Square this past Sunday. What are the chances? It kind of blew both of our minds, haha. It was really fun talking with her! (see picture)

Brooks: Happy birthday, Brooks! Make it count and go listen to Taylor Swift's song "22", OK? lol! ;) 

Kristine: I am addicted to Adam's peanut butter because of you!

<<Line of the Week>>

This was actually from a couple of weeks ago...but it is worth repeating!

Sister Sami (a sister in the mission): *says to couple walking by on the square* I like that you're smiling! Keep on smiling! When you smile, you brighten up the whole world!

Sister Sami is quite the character. She says stuff like this all of the time to visitors, and they love it!

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