Friday, September 4, 2015

"In this tour you will come closer to Jesus Christ”

With my friend Peggy, a close friend about to leave for her mission to Arkansas!

This is the West Gate office where we email out tours to the other sisters! It's fun....mostly because we get to sit for about 2 hrs. (we never just SIT for  that long :))
Hello from the Great Salt Lake!
How was everyone's week?!

This week was much better than the last. I have a better feel for how things work here, and what daily life is like and what's expected of me, etc.

I never thought I would get the hang of giving tours, but we gave so many this week that I got a lot of practice. We mostly gave small tours until a couple days ago when we had two different ones with about 40-49 people. It's quite a lot of work trying to get everyone from one place to the next, share our history and beliefs, and answer their questions--but it is such a great opportunity to plant a seed in someone that has never heard the gospel before.

I have come to a greater appreciation for this mission. There really isn't anything like it here. We are almost constantly around people who haven't heard the gospel, and we have the opportunity to share a message that could change their life. It's easy to lose this perspective though. A lot of times people look busy, like they could care less, or like they might bite your head off if you talk to them. It definitely takes courage and boldness to talk to these people, but it sure helps to have perspective that the message we share could change their life.

I have a funny story to share--it relates to my email title, so get ready! Yesterday morning as my companion and I were walking from our apartment to TSQ my companion asks, 

"Do you sleep walk?"

 "I don't know. Why?"

"Well late last night you were standing in the middle of the room swaying from side to side."

"WHAT! Really?!"

"And you said, 'In this tour you will come closer to Jesus Christ.'"

TRUE STORY. Even in sleep I'm practicing the tours. Although, I must say I'm not as experienced as my sleeping self--I haven't said that in a real tour yet! I need to get on it.

We had a VERY special speaker in sacrament meeting last Sunday. My companion and I were running kind of late to church, but we thankfully sat down right as church began. I'm so thankful we were somewhat on time, because guess who was sitting on the stage?

Elder Quentin L. Cook!

Can you believe that? Whoever was conducting said he was stopping by so he could partake of the sacrament (he would be busy with meetings the rest of the day)--our church meets at 7:30, which is probably the earliest service in all of Utah. :)

Elder Cook only spoke to us for about 15 minutes, but he shared some wonderful insights. He talked about the process of assigning missionaries. He said when they first pull up a missionary's picture, they usually get a strong impression of where they need to serve almost immediately. Impressions they receive are either that the missionary would be very blessed serving under a certain mission president, or that the missionary would do something to really bless the church later on. How cool is that!? 

Then he talked specifically about assigning Temple Square sisters. He said, "Special, special sisters come to Temple Square." Sisters don't come here unless he receives an impression that the sisters will do really well here. Anyway, I felt so blessed to be in the same room as an apostle! Btw, if you were the priesthood holder giving the sacrament prayer, how would you feel to have an apostle approve it?

So much happens in one day, let alone one week, it's hard to remember everything that goes on. Life on temple square right now alternates between walking around meeting people, chatting on, or managing tours (we sit in front of a computer and email out to sisters when someone wants a tour. It's a lot of fun when--it's not really busy."

Well, I love you all! Thank you for keeping me in your prayers!

Sister Butler

Line of the Week:
I'm kind of hesitant to share this one. Just know I'm doing it for the sake of your entertainment, but at the cost of my embarrassment. 

Old Polish Man: What would it take to marry you?

Me: Uhhh...what do you mean?

Old Polish Man: Like if I wanted to marry you, what would I have to do?

Me: As members of the church we get married in the Temple. You need to be a member for at least a year to go in.


1 comment:

  1. Fun letter! Glad you are enjoying your mission. What a treat to hear from Elder Cook and I agree the Temple Square Sisters are special. No more sleep walking though!!
