0ct 13, 2015
Mabuhay! (Hello in Tagalog!) Perhaps my Philipphina companion is rubbing off on me a little. :)
This week was a lot slower than the last. We didn't have thousands of people flooding Temple Square! After having so many people here and then an epic concert with Jon Schmidt, Monday was really quiet. Hardly any people were out! But that's okay, this week has still been good.
This transfer President Poulsen has been encouraging us to really focus on the Book of Mormon; in our personal study and in sharing the gospel. We are calling this transfer "the keystone transfer" in honor of it. Do we take for granted the blessing and gift that the Book of Mormon is? Joseph Smith said, "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." And Preach My Gospel says that the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool in conversion. These two phrases are very bold and true!
The Book of Mormon has a powerful influence on our life when we study and ponder it. These past few days I have been able to study the Book of Mormon for about 30 minutes, and the result is that I feel so HAPPY. It's not because life is all perfection here. It's not. All of our phone appointments fell through this week, several people have played pranks with us on chat, and many anti’s have been on as well. I don't tell you this to complain, but to share with you how I still feel at peace and joyful.
This applies to your own lives too! No matter what trials you are facing, you can still have joy and be at peace, as you are feeding and uplifting your spirit everyday. The Book of Mormon is just so wonderful.
My district leader, Sister Clark from Ukraine, knows how to teach from the Book of Mormon. She is supposed to meet with my companion and I every week and she always addresses our concerns with the Book of Mormon and inspires us to seek out our own answers from it. For some people, like me, it is difficult to make the lessons found in the Book of Mormon relevant to my challenges, but Sister Clark and the Spirit are teaching me! She is a powerful missionary and I'm so thankful for her example.
Okay, so lots of spiritual lessons, how about something funny? I have a roommate from Thailand, Sister Sanpunthorn, and she is so sweet! She bought some cookies from a package (the kind where you just add eggs, oil, etc.) but she had never made them before, so I helped her. She was just amazed at how they turned out. She peeked in the oven while they were cooking and let out a, "Ooooooohh!". Last night I helped her put a frozen pizza in the oven, and she was just as amazed. When it was almost done she said, "It looks so cute." Haha, it is really fun helping her do these simple things that amaze her!
Thank you for all the letters! I love and miss you all. Thank you for your prayers and continual support. I feel like the Lord is blessing me so much. I hope you feel of some of the blessings on your end. Love you!
Sister Butler
<Fun Fact>
The sister missionaries wash the mission vehicles at the same car wash that some of the apostles have their cars washed at. Sister Gattud told me she was at the car wash one time and a guy told her that he was getting Elder Bednar's car washed for him. So awesome!
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