Oct. 6, 2015
Hello everybody!
Where to begin. What an insane, wonderful, fantastic, tiring, and exciting weekend! General Conference. I had no idea what it was like to be here during conference. Where have I been all my life? It was so much fun!
So here is what the schedule looks like during conference. Be on the Square by 7:30. Eat breakfast and listen to a devotional from President P. Then we are on the Square by 8 am talking to everyone we can! We get a 20-30 min break to eat lunch and dinner, then it is back out until 9pm. It is tiring but so much fun!
I ran into a lot of friends! It was fun seeing familiar faces. First thing on Saturday morning, I ran into President Lopez (Brooks' mission president), his wife, and two missionaries that served under him (Elder Sablan and Sister Canimo. For Brooks' sake, they just got married!). They were so excited to see me! They just gushed about how much they love Brooks! They talked about how Brooks would always sing for meetings and bring the spirit. They just love you, Brooks! Elder Sablan shared a memory of how he and Brooks would hike mountains together. They were so kind! I was so happy to meet them.
I ran into Bishop Cheney and Dustin, as they were in line to go into the Tabernacle. I ran into Sister Hafener, Andrew, and Emily. It was great seeing friends from home! I saw Paul Grosbeck and Nathan Anderson, RMs from North Carolina. I saw Sister Blaney from Canada who served in the Charlotte mission. I saw my wonderful cousins Amanda and Karli Engebretsen. And I heard that Parker and Eric at different times were trying to find me. Sorry guys!! Thanks for trying so hard to find me. It was so fun seeing everybody!!!
The sister missionaries are able to go to one session of conference. Sister Gattud and I were able to go to the Sunday morning session. It was my first time going to conference in person and I loved it. The spirit is so strong, especially when 21,000 people stand up in honor of the prophet. The spirit reaffirmed to me that he is truly a prophet of God.
Dad, you said you noticed that towards the end of President Monson's talk he was leaning heavily on the pulpit. President Uchtdorf was at the edge of his seat, ready to jump up and catch him if needed. Most of the other apostles were at the edge of their seats, even though they were no where near to catch him. My companion noticed that many of the seventy were praying for him. I think most of us were so worried for him that we didn't hear what he was saying. He was rushing through the end of his talk, repeating some phrases, but when he finally said amen, President Uchtorf and a security guard jumped up from their chairs to help him sit down. He just fell into his chair.
I was just in tears, as well as some people around me. I saw a fellow missionary keep wiping her eyes. I love President Monson. I'm so thankful for him and his example to do the will of the Lord. He gives everything he has and is to the Lord. We can learn so much just from his example, let alone his inspiring teachings. God bless him.
Being gathered together as members throughout the whole world is so empowering. I love thinking of the millions of people joined together in prayer at the opening and closing of each session. There is power in numbers!
I want to address the "ponderizing" talk by Elder Durrant. I never would've watched this talk--I only went to the Sunday morning session and I don't really have time to watch the other sessions--if I didn't know a girl here whose mission president was Elder Durrant. I was interested in what he had to say because I was impressed with what a girl I met said about him. I got an email from Kristine and Angela about it and I think it is such a great idea! So if you haven't already, pick a scripture to ponderize this week--or go back and watch the talk if you don't remember! Mine is 1 Nephi 18:16: "Nevertheless, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions." Nephi was just released from being tied up by his brothers on the ship. He was tired. You can imagine how swollen his wrists and ankles were after being tied up for three days. But what did he do? Did he complain like most of us tend to do when the smallest things in life seem hard? No, he PRAISED God amidst his trials. What a powerful lesson we can learn from Nephi.
We found a new investigator during conference. His name is G. and he has a friend who is a member. They both were able to attend the priesthood session (miracle story behind that). So we met them while they were sitting on a sofa in the Visitors' Center. We taught him the restoration and he received it really well. It's funny because later that day another set of sisters taught him the Plan of Salvation, haha! Two lessons in one day. He is ready to go. Anyway, we have his contact information and we will continue to teach him! We're excited.
On Sunday night, as a reward for working so hard during conference, President Poulsen set up to have a special musical performer come to visit us. Guess who it was?!! Jon Schimdt and his whole family! It was so much fun! (If any of you are curious as to who was on the Square during this performance--RM sisters from Temple Square put on their tag once again and took over for a couple hours.) So Jon has 5 kids and they all shared their musical talents. Did you know he has twin boys? The twin boys and his youngest daughter, Sarah, sang the song "Blessings" from an EFY album. It was totally impromptu and so touching! Jon has a daughter who just came home from a mission in Georgia (she actually served with one of our APs for a time), and she sang a song with the oldest son. It was an awesome night!! It was so fun to relax after the past two days.
Well, I am running out of time. I love you all so much! We had a wonderful week of being spiritually filled by great messages. Don't let it go to waste and forget it! Find some way to apply it to your life everyday.
Shout out to Julianna who will be turning 16 this Saturday! You are a beautiful daughter of God and you are so gifted and talented! Thank you for sharing your talents with others and blessing our lives by doing so.
I love you all!
Sister Butler
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