It was great talking to all of you yesterday! We had a lot of technical difficulties, but thankfully we were able to figure something out. I'm in awe at how tall Spencer is and how deep his voice sounds. I feel like I'm going to come home and not recognize who he is! Talking to you guys made me realize that I have 100% missionary brain. I didn't think it would happen to me, but it did!
The beginning of the week was spent mostly in the office finishing up things for the transfer, and then on Wednesday I got my new companion and left the office. I felt so free! My MTC companion, Sister McColgan, was in the office these past two transfers too, and we kept saying to each other, "I feel so free!"
So you all got to meet Sister Dechesne from France on skype yesterday. She is very sweet and has many talents. She is an amazing artist, she has a gorgeous voice, she loves music (for someone who learned English only on her mission she seems to know every English church artist and all the lyrics to their music). She seems to see right through everyone's soul. She is very observant, and she is very French. :)
Shout out to mom for being such a wonderful mother! I don't know how it works up there, but I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father sent me to your family and that I get to call you mother. I don't know what I'd do without you! Here is the song I quoted during our skype! No tears. :)
"Mother, I love You"
Mother, I love you, mother I do.
Father in Heaven has sent me to you.
When I am near you, I love to hear you
Singing so softly that you love me too.
Mother, I love you; I love you, I do!
-Children's Primary Song Book
I wanted to share something with you. I was asking God what I should share and I felt like He wanted me to say to put Him first always! There's a short scripture that I found I felt God wanted me to share. It's in Ether 12:18: "And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God." I want to testify that when we put God first we see miracles. Small or big, we see them. We are preparing our spiritual eyes, because as we seek Him we find Him. He desires to bless us but first it requires our faith in Him. I share with people all the time that when I was at home and we would make an effort to have prayers and scripture study daily we would experience more peace and harmony in the home. :)
Well, I love you. I trust that you're in good care with the Lord watching over you. I know He watches over me and he hears all of your heartfelt prayers. Thank you Jason and others for always keeping me in your prayers!
Sister Butler
Line of the Week:
Yesterday we had our first meeting with our zone so we were doing a "getting to know you" game. One of the things we were supposed to say was how long we have been members. Many of the sisters would say (including me), "I was born in the church..." etc.
After many sisters said this a sister from China stood up (try to imagine this with a Chinese accent!) and said, "Well, I was born in a hospital, but I was raised in the church." We all busted out laughing! I love the foreign sisters in this mission is. :)
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