Monday, May 16, 2016

"Though Your Sins be as Scarlet..."


How is everyone? 

I've been super tired lately, and you know what that means? It means I talk in my sleep almost every night. My companion can testify of that because she tells me every morning what I said. Saturday night I was talking in my sleep and Sister Dechesne was playing around by talking with me. At one point I said, "You know, it's kind of like the woman at the well story..." and, "Would you like to share something about the Humanitarian Center, Sister Dechesne?" She said sure! Then I actually woke up from sleeping as I was saying, "No, you can't..." I had no clue why there were words coming out of my mouth. Sister Dechesne said, "What?" I mumbled, "Nevermind." and went back to sleep. Haha! 

Anyway, this week was busy with going on exchanges with other sisters for training purposes. I learned so much! I learned to share more scriptures in every teaching situation. The Spirit comes so strongly as we share scriptures. For example, we met a man sitting in the vistor's center reading The Family: A Proclamation to the World. We came to find out that he had a son going on a mission and his son was going through the temple for the first time. This father said that he couldn't be there [due to worthiness]. We shared the scripture from Isaiah 1:18, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." He was touched by the Spirit and tears came to his eyes. My heart hurt that he couldn't be with his son that day, but my testimony was strengthened of the Savior's atonement because I knew that he could be with him in the temple someday. What a beautiful day that will be.

I'm sorry this isn't very long. I don't have a whole lot of time today. We are having zone activity where we will hike Ensign Peak and eat pizza, unless it rains on us. :)

I love you all! God bless!
Sister Butler

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