Monday, December 12, 2016

The Light of the Gospel

Savior of the World performance at the Conference Center!

Engebretsen cousins and my parents found Sister Butler on Temple Square after attending Savior of the World! (Karolyn)

I hope that you all are having a wonderful Christmas season! Temple Square is such an amazing place to be, people are coming to see the lights and we get to share with them about God's love for them and how God has shown that love by always calling prophets so that we know how to find light, peace, and eternal life.

Yesterday we had several meetings from the sun up to sun down. It started with Church at 8am (they pushed it back a half hour to better accommodate our Christmas schedule of going to bed at 11:15pm or 11:45pm), and then we went to a local sacrament meeting to speak with President and Sister Risenmay. Sister Eging and I taught the Restoration and invited people to pay attention to who the Spirit brought to mind of someone to share the gospel with. We also performed What Child is This, I was on the piano with Sister Eging and two other sister missionaries singing. The Spirit was so powerful in this meeting because of the power that comes from teaching our unique message. 

Once we got back to the square we had a meeting for the sisters who are in their last transfer to help them "sprint to the end". Right after that we had a meeting with the office staff. Then we got a few minutes to go on the square and have an amazing contact with a couple who are so committed to sharing the gospel. We shared the Restoration with them and they asked for ways that they can help introduce more about the church to their friends (sadly, that isn't a question I've heard a lot). We will be contacting a family member of theirs and hopefully start teaching her.

Sister Eging and I have an investigator who has set himself on date for January 7th! He has been through a long, personal journey, but he feels so good about this and knows it's true. Also, we shared with you about E. last week who we invited to be baptized and pray about a date. He wants to, he just needs to overcome a few things first. So we are helping create a plan, rely on his local missionaries for support, rely on us, and most importantly rely on God. His wife is a convert and her biggest hope is to be sealed in the temple with him. 

We were able to attend the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas concert this past week, which was so beautiful! They had quite the personality as their guest artist. His name is Rolando Villazon and he's a professional opera singer from France. You know how they have words on a screen that they can read from, kind of like General Conference? Well he didn't follow his prompts at all! He was winging it. On one occasion he said the Lord's name in vain, and a few seconds later he realized what he just said in front of a bunch of LDS members and was like, "Uhhh, did I just say....oh no, sorry!" It was a wonderful concert all in all! 

Merry, merry Christmas! I love you all very much! 

Sister Butler

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