Monday, December 19, 2016

The Sustaining Power of The Atonement

This was at out home where we had Christmas dinner

Exchanges with these sweet sisters!

God bless America!

Hello everybody! What a week.

We went on exchanges with our zone leaders this last week. Sister Eging and I each went with one companionship for four different days. I learned so much from each exchange. A huge focus we have is to teach the Restoration in every contact we have with people. It brings the spirit so powerfully and we find that people are just thanking us for the message and giving us names of people to give a call and share the message with. 

It was a miracle I was able to get through this week though because I got sick, for the first time in my mission I might add. Note for grandma, I ran out of the echinacea herb but I went and bought some more the day the sickness was hitting, so I was too late to prevent it. The miracle of it all was that I was feeling awful for only two days, and then I got a blessing from president Risenmay and I started to feel better. This is the kind of sickness I felt that would have gone on for a week or two, but it didn't. I am completely better because of the power of God restored to the earth.

I have really felt the sustaining peace and strength of the Lord this week. Most days we are on the square at 9 am and don't get back to our apartment until 10:30 or later. I'm not saying this to complain but to recognize that the Lord has been giving us the strength needed to carry on. We've been preparing for zone conference this coming week, our Christmas program on Sunday and other odds and ends kind of things. It's a privilege to get to help the sisters and help the work move forward.

I have been teaching a young teenage girl who is investigating the church.  She's only met missionaries once, but she says she feels something when she reads the Book of Mormon. I invited her to read it daily and to continue to visit with the missionaries because that is how she will be able to gain an answer from God. It's amazing the power of the Spirit that the Book of Mormon brings into a person's life. I love it so much. I feel my testimony grow stronger and stronger of it daily.

The Lord is aware of each one of us. He is showering blessings upon us that sometimes we don't even notice. I invite you all to look for those small and tender blessings that the Lord has given you. They are all around you!

Love you all! Have a very Merry Christmas!!
Sister Butler

P.S. I ran into G-ma and G-pa Jones, Eric, Morgan, Karli, and Amanda. It was fun seeing them! I was walking towards the North Visitor's Center for an assignment and I ran into Eric who later was able to lead everyone to where I was. I don't always run into everyone I know, so it was meant to be for God to work it out for us to meet! [See photo from previous post! :-)~K]

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