Monday, January 23, 2017

Another Great Week

Birthday dinner together!

A big snow storm on my bday!!

On the day of the inauguration there were some protests going on; that night a senior missionary helped us all get home safely. We just travelled in a large group so we would be safe.

Speaking at a Ward!

Baptism Day via Skype!


First of all, I just have to say what an amazing birthday I had! Heavenly Father gave me the greatest gift of all. I was able to skype my investigator's baptism (now recent convert!) who is actually from North Carolina. It was amazing. She is only 17 years old and was giving lessons in Young Women's and attending seminary before she was baptized. Having LDS friends had a big influence on her being baptized, so you never know what difference you are making to your nonmember friends!

I was able to go out to eat with my companion and two other sisters, Sister Carrus from Italy and Sister Romero from Mexico. I bought a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake to celebrate too! Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. I couldn't have wished for a better day. 

All of the week was spent on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I love this time because we get to spend all of our time on the square, in assignments, or in the teaching center. I also love getting to learn from the amazing sisters. Each sister has such unique gifts and talents to contribute to the work.

Yesterday was quite a busy day with meetings, but I really enjoyed them! We got to speak at a local ward again. Sister Mark from the UK sang the lyrics to Joseph's Smith First Prayer to the tune of If You Could Hie to Kolob, and I was on the piano. It was beautiful. Later that day we had a Zone Leader Meeting to council about the current issues in the mission. We discussed plans to achieve our baptismal goal this year and how we could individually come closer to Christ. During the meeting I was looking at our eight zone leaders and noticed how international the group was. There was only one American among them, the rest were from Brazil, Taiwan, Argentina, Japan, the UK, Italy, Mexico, Austria, Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, and Germany. How incredible! It is a testimony that the gospel will go forth to all nations, kindreds, and tongues. 

That's it for this week! I hope you all will see the hand of God in your life this week! Keep a journal and write down things you notice daily.

Sister Butler

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