Monday, January 30, 2017

Have a Desire to Believe

Sister Zafarana and I!

We found our two invalid sisters trying to help each other to the bathroom, haha. They were spending the day in the teaching center and needed a short break. You can tell the are happy even when they aren't healthy. :)

Hello dear family and friends!

This week was one of those weeks where everything blends together! I'm having a hard time differentiating the days. Sister Zafarana and I were able to see so many miracles last week. During weekly planning of the previous week we felt prompted to set a goal of 2 to be baptized. Sister Zafarana said she had some people who she lost touch with who were supposed to be baptized. Later, we found out that two other investigators were on date to be baptized this past Saturday and they were! We felt so blessed to be a part of their baptism, even though it was a seemingly small way.

We were able to find prepared people on the square this week. As soon as we walked onto the square one morning I felt drawn to talk to this girl. We found out she wasn't a member but she was close friends with a member family. I could just see in her face that she will be baptized. We are in touch with her and we are starting to teach her. She recognizes the peace the Spirit brings. Yay!

I had the most saddening conversation with two young adults yesterday night. One was atheist and the other was Muslim. The Muslim was basically saying that there is no way to prove there is or is not a God, but he chooses to believe in one. I taught about faith and how God can answer our prayers through the Spirit, but it takes a small particle of belief. The one with atheistic views just couldn't consider trying out reading the scriptures and praying. It made me think of the story of Moses and how all the people had to do to be healed was look at his staff with a snake, but some people wouldn't look because it was too simple. I know that everyone believes something based off of certain experiences they have had in their life, so I'm not judging him because of what he believes, but my heart hurt when he didn't want to accept an invitation to experiment and learn more about what God has to offer them!

I'm sorry it's a short letter this week! I love you all!

Sister Butler

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